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the mentoring project

Through the facilitation of County Arts, I was chosen to mentor actor, writer and wordie, Tom Harrison through expressive art. O what a glorious and fun filled winter we passed discovering, creating and building with words and sculpture. Two wacky souls meet!

winter - 2024

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-18 at 16.19.08.jpeg

the experience

Imagine savouring an upscale five course plant based meal prepared by renowned local chef Chris Byrne. Then further imagine this creative wild harvest feast being inspired by a Rhonda Nolan painting and served inside this piece of ART.

An inspired piece of performance art to please the senses. Tasting, hearing, seeing, feeling in the utmost creative way to surround you in the complete experience.

Bloomfield - October 2022


Shapeshifting expresses the abstract idea of molding and shaping, trying things on, shifting, being loose and open to change, but understanding just how adaptable we can be as we shift into new formats, new environments and new ways.

A recycled fridge was the metaphor for change. A container for visitors to get into. When wrestling with their shape within this new environment they were asked - can I fit in? am I comfortable? can I express myself? how will I move forward?’

Flight Contemporary Dance Festival - Aug. 2022


the womb

The Feminine is all around us on this land. I feel her nurturing energy. She creates a healing, peaceful and harmonious environment. I understand that the goddess Gaia, our mother earth needs to be thanked for creating this land and giving us these many gifts, that we have always ungraciously thought to be ours. Danielle Reddick, friend and sculptor and myself, created the womb to honour our mother Earth, Gaia.

Bloomfield - August 2022

banners &
tree stumps

Wonderful colourful banners fly freely during the pandemic, a joyous sight. Stumps from fallen trees act as available support for painted expression. Recycled plastic jugs are nailed and painted on treestumps in a happy textural way you least expect.

You now can walk freely in the garden to admire.

summer - 2020, 2021


© 2023 Rhonda Nolan

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